Kraton Ngayogyakarta HadiningratKraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat is the official palace of

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Kraton Ngayogyakarta HadiningratKraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat is the official palace of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate which is now located in the City of Yogyakarta, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat or the Yogyakarta Palace is in the centre of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, in an area of 14,000 square metres.

Kraton Yogyakarta was established in 1755 as a result of the Giyanti Agreement. Kraton Yogyakarta, as the forerunner to the existence of settlements in the Yogyakarta area, left historical traces that we can still find today. This area is a living monument, This is proved by the stipulation of the Kraton area as one of the cultural heritage areas in Yogyakarta based on Governor Decree No. 186/2011 which covers areas within the fort Baluwarti (Njeron Benteng), and parts Mantrijeron, Mergangsan, Gondomanan, and Ngampilan. Then, in 2017, Governor Regulation number 75/2017 was issued which combines the Malioboro cultural heritage area and the Kraton (Baluwarti) fort into one area, namely the Kraton Cultural Heritage Area, which stretches from Tugu to Krapyak Stage.

The shape of the Kraton building is influenced by models from Europe (Portuguese, Dutch) and China. The architecture of the palace was designed by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, the founder of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate. The main building and the basic spatial design of the palace and the basic design of the Yogyakarta old city landscape were completed in 1755-1756.
The existence of Malioboro cannot be separated from the establishment of the Ngayoyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate as an integral element in the spatial layout of the royal capital. On Jalan Malioboro there is a Kepatihan as the center of daily government and Pasar Gedhe as the economic centre of the residents. Both are part of a spatial unit called Gatra Tunggal chess or Sagotra chess. According to this concept, there are four important elements, namely politics (Kraton and Kepatihan), religion (Gedhe Mosque), economics (Pasar Gedhe), and social (Alun-alun).

The Kraton Yogyakarta consists of the front complex of the palace, the core complex of the palace and the complex behind the palace. The palace complex consists of Gladhak-Pangurakan (Main Gate), Ler Square, and the Gedhe Mosque. The core complex area in the Kraton Yogyakarta is composed of seven series of platforms starting from the North Square to the South Square, namely Pagelaran and Sitihinggil Lor, Kamandungan Lor, Srimanganti, Kedhaton, Kemagangan, Kamandungan Kidul, and Sitihinggil Kidul. The complex behind the palace consists of the South Square and Plengkung Nirbaya.

The palace area was built by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I with a spatial concept that contains a philosophy of requirements for meaning. Therefore the Kraton area should be preserved for its authenticity as a very valuable cultural heritage.

Adapted from https://kebudayaan

question :

Based on what you know, how could you explain Kraton to a friend who has never heard about it before? Explain your answer.

book used: English book (splash) kurikulum merdeka class 10 SMK/MAK pages 58 to 59

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soal ::

Berdasarkan apa yang Anda ketahui, bagaimana Anda bisa menjelaskan Kraton kepada teman yang belum pernah mendengarnya sebelumnya? Jelaskan jawabanmu.


Friends, do you know the palace? Kraton is a palace that contains religious meaning, philosophical meaning and cultural meaning.


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Last Update: Fri, 10 Feb 23