Listen to the sentences and choose the right passive voice for

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ss6871161p90jln pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Listen to the sentences and choose the rightpassive voice for questions 3 to 5!
3. a. The school canteen is being visited by
some students in the break time.
b. The school canteen will be visited by
some students in the break time.
C. The students will visit the school
canteen in the break time.
d. The school canteen is visited by many
students every day.
4. a. The laptop is operated by the officer
so well every day.
b. The laptop will be operated by the
c. The laptop was being operated by the
d. The laptop had been operated by the
5. a. Some announcements were informed
by the teacher.
b. Some announcements were being
informed by the teacher.
C. Some announcements will be informed
by the teacher.
d. Some announcements are being
informed by the teacher.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


3. d. The school canteen is visited by many students everyday

4. d. The laptop had been operated by the


5. a. Some announcements were informed

by the teacher.

Penjelasan :

Passive voice atau kalimat pasif adalah bentuk kalimat yang menunjukan bahwa subjek kalimat menderita akibat dari sebuah perbuatan atau tindakan. Contohnya: The cake was eaten with a spoon by the girl. Kue itu dimakan dengan sendok oleh anak perempuan.

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Last Update: Mon, 20 Jun 22