Sirius harvested a number of bell peppers from the farm.

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Sirius harvested a number of bell peppers from the farm. After storing half of the bell peppers in the storage room, he went around town to share his bell peppers. 1 He gave his friend Anis of the bell peppers. He then gave 10 children 2 bell 10 peppers each. He was left with 106 bell peppers in the end. How many bell peppers did Sirius harvest?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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average, a poblano plant in a typical container or garden (2 feet tall) will yield 4 to 8 chilies per plant at any given time and up to 20 to 40 per season. But a poblano pepper plant allowed to grow to full size (5+ feet) can produce upwards of 145 peppers in a season.

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Last Update: Sat, 25 Mar 23