Complete the text with suitable "be" and verb forms using

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari apaa2507 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete the text with suitable "be" and verb forms using the words in bracket.The srivijaya Empire [1. Be]....... a maritime and commercial kingdom that [2. Flourish).............between the 7th and 13th century in the Malay archipelago. The kingdom, which originated in Palembang on Sumatra, soon extended its influence and controlled the strait of Malacca. The kingdom's power [3. be]..........based on its control ofinternational sea trade. It [4. establish)........ trade relations not only with the states in the archipelago but also with China and India.

Until perhaps as late as the 7th century the people of Indonesia still retained their multiplicity of comparatively small communities, trading and sometimes fighting with each other. by then, however, a major Buddhist kingdom, Srivijaya, had established itself with its center probably just to the west of modern Palembang, in sumatra. It [5. seem).......the rulers of Srivijaya had considerate wealth as a result of both an extensive trade network and great industry in the region

At the end of 7th century Srivijaya (6. move] conquer all the smaller communities along the northern coast of sumatra and thereby snatched a monopoly of the lucrative trade with China. The Maharajahs made various treaties with the natives of smaller islands in the region so that merchant ship could pass unmolesed. In this way, the kingdom survived until the 10th century, it being convenient for the Chinese to deal with only one center. However, the Chinese then began trading with the local production centers elsewhere in the region, andthere [7. be].......little srivijaya could do stop them. The kingdom may have dragged on until sometime in the 14th century, but by then its power was a mere husk

Srivijaya [8. be]....... also a religious center in the region. It adhered to

Mahayana Buddhism and soon became the stopping point for Chinese Buddhist pilgrims on their way to India. The kings of Srivijaya even [9. found)....... monasteries at Negapatam in India. Sivijaya continued to grow. However, by the end of the 12th century, srivijaya had been reduced to a small kingdom and its dominant role in Sumatra (10. be)......... taken by Malayu (based in Jambi), a vassal of Java. A Javanese kingdom,Majapahit, soon began to dominate the Indonesian political scene

"be"= am, is, are, was, were​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


The srivijaya Empire wasa maritime and commercial kingdom thatflourished between the 7th and 13th century in the Malay archipelago. The kingdom, which originated in Palembang on Sumatra, soon extended its influence and controlled the strait of Malacca. The kingdom's power was based on its control of international sea trade. It established trade relations not only with the states in the archipelago but also with China and India.

Until perhaps as late as the 7th century the people of Indonesia still retained their multiplicity of comparatively small communities, trading and sometimes fighting with each other. by then, however, a major Buddhist kingdom, Srivijaya, had established itself with its center probably just to the west of modern Palembang, in sumatra. It seemed the rulers of Srivijaya had considerate wealth as a result of both an extensive trade network and great industry in the region

At the end of 7th century Srivijaya moved to conquer all the smaller communities along the northern coast of sumatra and thereby snatched a monopoly of the lucrative trade with China. The Maharajahs made various treaties with the natives of smaller islands in the region so that merchant ship could pass unmolested. In this way, the kingdom survived until the 10th century, it being convenient for the Chinese to deal with only one center. However, the Chinese then began trading with the local production centers elsewhere in the region, and there was little srivijaya could do stop them. The kingdom may have dragged on until sometime in the 14th century, but by then its power was a mere husk

Srivijaya was also a religious center in the region. It adhered to

Mahayana Buddhism and soon became the stopping point for Chinese Buddhist pilgrims on their way to India. The kings of Srivijaya even founded monasteries at Negapatam in India. Sivijaya continued to grow. However, by the end of the 12th century, srivijaya had been reduced to a small kingdom and its dominant role in Sumatra was taken by Malayu (based in Jambi), a vassal of Java. A Javanese kingdom,Majapahit, soon began to dominate the Indonesian political scene


Itu semua adalah bentuk kalimat Verbal dan Nominal dari Simple Past Tense karena cerita ini terjadi dan selesai 100% di masa lampau.


Kalimat Verbal Positif:

(+)· Subject + verb 2 + object + adverb of time (yesterday / last week)

(+) We attended the festival last week

Kalimat Nominal Positif:

(+) Subject + to be (was/were) + adjective/adverb (yesterday / last week)

(+) She was absent yesterday

Kalimat Verbal Negatif:

(-) Subject + did not + Verb 1 + object + adverb of time (yesterday / last week)

(-) We did not attend the festival last week

Kalimat Nominal Negatif:

(-) Subject + was/were + not + adjective/adverb + adverb of time (yesterday / last week)

(-) She was not absent yesterday

Kalimat Verbal Interogatif:

(?) Did + subject + Verb 1 + object + adverb of time (yesterday / last week)?

(?) Did we attend the festival last week?

Kalimat Nominal Interogatif:

(?) Was/were + subject + adjective/adverb + adverb of time (yesterday / last week)?

(?) Was she absent yesterday?

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Last Update: Sun, 06 Jun 21