Amir is buying cloth to make curtains. He needs4.6 m

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Amir is buying cloth to make curtains. He needs4.6 m of cloth but it is only sold in whole metres.
How much cloth does he need to buy?​

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Solution + Answer:

If Amir wanted to buy curtains, he actually needs 4.6 metres of cloth. To sold it in whole metres, all you need to do is rounding it to the nearest tenth (for the metres) or either rounding it to the nearest hundred (especially for centimetres) , so here's the solution:

4,6 metres = 460 centimetres:

Since 6 is bigger than 5, we're rounding off 460 centimetres into 500 centimetres, which is equal to 5 metres.

Hope this helps!


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Last Update: Tue, 22 Jun 21