Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari azizblora34 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas
B. EssayRead the text and answer the questions 1 to 3
I am a student of SMP now. Last year I was in Grade VII, and now I am in Grade VIII. My school is two
kilometers from my house. I learned many new things in Grade VII. It was my first time to go to school on my
bike. I met boys and girls from different parts of this town. I was very happy when I first wore my blue-and-white
Last year was my first time to learn English. I learned to greet other people in English, to introduce myself
in English, and to ask and answer questions in English. We also learned to describe our family, our friends,
and our school in English. I sang my first English song. I also read my first English story.
How did the writer go to school?
When did the writer wear his blue-and-white uniform for the first time?
Jawab: ....
What did the writer learn when he learned English for the first time?
Jawab: .....
I am a student of SMP now. Last year I was in Grade VII, and now I am in Grade VIII. My school is two
kilometers from my house. I learned many new things in Grade VII. It was my first time to go to school on my
bike. I met boys and girls from different parts of this town. I was very happy when I first wore my blue-and-white
Last year was my first time to learn English. I learned to greet other people in English, to introduce myself
in English, and to ask and answer questions in English. We also learned to describe our family, our friends,
and our school in English. I sang my first English song. I also read my first English story.
How did the writer go to school?
When did the writer wear his blue-and-white uniform for the first time?
Jawab: ....
What did the writer learn when he learned English for the first time?
Jawab: .....
Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
1. the writer went to school by a bike
2. the writer wore his blue and white uniform in grade VII for the first time
3. when the writer learned english for the first time he learned how to greet other people in english, introduce himself in english, ask and answer question in english
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Last Update: Thu, 03 Jun 21