each other fight off predators Dolphins have fought off sharkowy

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Each other fight off predators Dolphins have fought off sharkowy hyDolphins swim in pods very large pod seda hand. They are very
sharks by ramming them over and over again with the shouts and headshi
Three of the four species of river dolphins live in freshwater rivers The Plan
in saltwater estuaries and the ocean Water pollution and the loss of habitat
Dolphins do not sleep in a normal way. They have two sides of their brain they
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tong The Killer weather
The name to come to the
wom" because was tre og to be
and quite an eigen mammal och tre
the dolphin can easily breathe on the surface of
Dolphins use echolocation to find the food
son and smooth However, it is very form or to
young when the mothers that need to leave their calves to hunt for food the young
breathe more often than the adults and the food may be in deeper waters
Oceanic dolphins are marine animals living in the sea. They live of
some dolphins, especially those living in rivers and estuaries
to sleep. One side sleeps, while the other side stays awake. They will keep one eye opens
watch for predators while they sleep
Dolphins (and other cetaceans) sleep in the water. There is danger from shade
sleeping in water, the animals go through different stages of sleep. They do some behavior
during sleep they come to the surface occasionally to breathe, and they have an eye on
most of the time. The details vary in different species or groups. Predator detection the
obvious function of this behaviour. Similar adaptations are found in pinnipeds like seals
The brain of a dolphin is like a human brain in size and development Dolphins have
reasonable eyesight. They can watch a thing in the water, and they can see colors, too. They
can also see in dark places.
A dolphin's hearing is better than their sight. There are small holes behind the eyes and
they are the ears of a dolphin. Dolphins can hear a sound underwater. They can know the
direction of the sound very well.
https://simple wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolphin
After read the text find the meanings of these word-pharases
Toothed whales
Salt water
Intelligent mammals​

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sorry,i dont understand.v

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Last Update: Sat, 15 May 21