When silicon dioxide (sand) and carbon are heated, the products

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When silicon dioxide (sand) and carbon are heated, the products are silicon carbide, SiC, and carbon monoxide, CO.Silicon carbide is a ceramic material that tolerates extreme temperatures and is used as an abrasive and in the brake discs of cars. Given 70.0 g of Si02 and 50.0 g of C, which is the limiting reactant?

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To determine the limiting reactant, we need to calculate the amount of product that can be formed from each reactant using the stoichiometric coefficients from the balanced chemical equation.

SiO2 + 3C -> SiC + 2CO

Let's call the amount of SiO2 used in the reaction "x" and the amount of C used in the reaction "y". We can then write the following relationships:

x = 70.0 g SiO2
y = 50.0 g C

From the stoichiometric coefficients, we can also write:

x = (1 mole SiO2 / 60.1 g SiO2) * (1 mole SiC / 1 mole SiO2) * (40.1 g SiC / mole SiC)
y = (3 moles C / 12.0 g C) * (1 mole SiC / 3 moles C) * (40.1 g SiC / mole SiC)

We can equate the two expressions for SiC to determine which reactant is limiting:

(1 mole SiO2 / 60.1 g SiO2) * x = (3 moles C / 12.0 g C) * y

x / 60.1 = 3y / 12.0

Multiplying both sides by the denominators, we get:

x = 3y * (60.1 g SiO2 / 12.0 g C)

Now we can substitute the values of x and y to see which one is limiting:

70.0 g SiO2 = 3 * 50.0 g C * (60.1 g SiO2 / 12.0 g C)
70.0 g SiO2 = 75.0 g SiO2

Since 70.0 g SiO2 is less than 75.0 g SiO2, we can conclude that SiO2 (silicon dioxide) is the limiting reactant in this reaction.

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Last Update: Sun, 14 May 23