When 10 cm³ of 0.5 mol dm3 sodium sulphate solution

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When 10 cm³ of 0.5 mol dm3 sodium sulphate solution is added to excess lead (II)nitrate solution, a white precipitate is formed.
Calculate the mass of precipitate formed.

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To solve this problem, we need to use the fact that a mole of a substance is a unit of mass equal to the atomic or molecular weight of that substance in grams.

We know that the concentration of the sodium sulphate solution is 0.5 mol/dm³, and that we have added 10 cm³ of the solution. Therefore, the number of moles of sodium sulphate in the solution is 0.5 x (10/1000) = 0.005 moles.

Sodium sulphate has a molecular weight of 142.04 g/mol, so the mass of sodium sulphate in the solution is 0.005 x 142.04 = 0.7102 g.

When sodium sulphate is added to lead (II) nitrate, a white precipitate of lead (II) sulphate is formed. The formula for lead (II) sulphate is PbSO4, and its molecular weight is 303.34 g/mol.

Thus, the mass of lead (II) sulphate precipitate formed is 0.005 x 303.34 = 1.5167 g.

Therefore, the mass of precipitate formed is 1.5167 grams.

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Last Update: Sat, 01 Apr 23