Each increase of 10 degrees Celsius the reaction speed rises

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Each increase of 10 degrees Celsius the reaction speed rises to 3 times that. The time it takes to react at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius is 9 minutes. Determine the time needed at a temperature of 55 degrees Celsius.​

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From the information given, we know that for every increase of 10 degrees Celsius, the reaction speed triples. This means that the reaction rate at 55 degrees Celsius is 3^3 = 27 times faster than at 25 degrees Celsius.

Let's assume that the time it takes to react at 55 degrees Celsius is t minutes. Using the information given, we can set up a proportion:

time at 25 degrees Celsius / time at 55 degrees Celsius = rate at 55 degrees Celsius / rate at 25 degrees Celsius

Plugging in the values we know, we get:

9 minutes / t minutes = 27 / 1

Simplifying this proportion, we get:

27t = 9

Dividing both sides by 27, we get:

t = 1/3

Therefore, the time it takes to react at a temperature of 55 degrees Celsius is 1/3 of a minute, or 20 seconds.

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Last Update: Tue, 04 Jul 23