Snakes are elongated, limbless, flexible reptiles. Their body shape depends

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Snakes are elongated, limbless, flexible reptiles. Their body shape depends on the habitat in whichthey live. Aquatic snakes ususally have a flattened body, those living in trees are long and slender with a
prehensile tail while burrowing snakes tend to be compact. Snakes are found in a huge range of colors, from
bright to dull
There are about 2,700 species of snakes, of these 375 are venomous. In the United States, ten species
are listed as threatened and seven species are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act.
Snakes consume a variety of items including termites, rodents, birds, frogs, small deer and other
reptiles. They eat their prey whole and are able to consume prey three times larger than the diameter of their
head because their lower jaw can separate from the upper jaw. Snakes hunt mostly at night.
Most snake species lay eggs, but some species give birth to live young. Snakes lay their eggs in a
warm location. With the exception of some python species, eggs and young are not cared for by the male or
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Last Update: Wed, 16 Jun 21