Read each question carefully then write down each oneof them

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kherenhapuk pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read each question carefully then write down each oneof them on your exercise and don't forget to give the
best answer for all of them!!
A Quiz about Modal Verbs(Obligation)
Put in "Mustn't/Don't have to/ Doesn't have to
1. We have alot of work tomorrow. You be late
2. You tell anyone what I just told you. It's a secret
3. The museum is free. You pay to get in
4. Children tell lies. It's very naughty.
5. John is a millionaire. Hego to work.
6. do my washing because my mother does it for
7. We rush. We have got plenty of time.
8. You smoke inside the school
9. You can borrow my new dress, but you got it dirty.
10. We miss the train, because it's the last one

plisss jawab ya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

B. inggrisnya:

Read each question carefully then write down each one

of them on your exercise and don't forget to give the best answer for all of them!!

A Quiz about Modal Verbs(Obligation)

Put in "Mustn't/Don't have to/ Doesn't have to

1. We have alot of work tomorrow. You be late

2. You tell anyone what I just told you. It's a secret

3. The museum is free. You pay to get in

4. Children tell lies. It's very naughty.

5. John is a millionaire. Hego to work.

6. do my washing because my mother does it for


7. We rush. We have got plenty of time.

8. You smoke inside the school

9. You can borrow my new dress, but you got it dirty.

10. We miss the train, because it's the last one



Baca setiap pertanyaan dengan seksama kemudian tuliskan masing-masing

dari mereka pada latihan Anda dan jangan lupa untuk memberikan jawaban terbaik untuk semuanya!!

Kuis tentang Modal Verbs(Kewajiban)

Masukkan "Tidak Harus/Tidak Harus/Tidak Harus

1. Kami memiliki banyak pekerjaan besok. kamu terlambat

2. Anda memberi tahu siapa pun apa yang baru saja saya katakan. Ini sebuah rahasia

3. Museumnya gratis. Anda membayar untuk masuk

4. Anak berbohong. Ini sangat nakal.

5. John adalah seorang jutawan. Dia pergi bekerja.

6. mencuci karena ibuku melakukannya untuk


7. Kami terburu-buru. Kami punya banyak waktu.

8. Anda merokok di dalam sekolah

9. Kamu boleh pinjam baju baruku, tapi bajumu kotor.

10. Kami ketinggalan kereta, karena itu yang terakhir malam ini


#saya cuma bisa mengartikannya

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Last Update: Tue, 22 Feb 22