QuizL Answer the questions based on the following dlaloguel Toni:

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Algisaputra pada mata pelajaran Kimia untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

QuizL Answer the questions based on the following dlaloguel Toni: Hi Sam, do you mind if I use your cellphone for a moment? My collphone in oft and I need to call my brother. Rio : Sure, I don't mind. Here is my cellphone. Toni : Thanks buddy. It will anly be a minute or two. Rio Toni : Thanks a lot Rio. Rio : Don't mention it. Questions: 1. Who does borrow cellphone? Take your time. No rush. Answer: 2. Why does he borrow cellphone? Answer: 3. For what does he borrow the cellphone? Answer: 4. Mention the expression of asking for permission on the dialogue abovel Answer: Mention the response of asking for permission on the dialogue above! - Answer​

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katanya kimia kok jadi bhs inggris

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Last Update: Sat, 01 Jan 22