Hi, Yogil is the man over there your Ridho father? Yogi : Yes, he

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mefirafira520 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Hi, Yogil is the man over there yourRidho



: Yes, he is.

Ridho : What does he do?


: He is a tailor.

Ridho : Oh, really? He's cool.


Yeah! I think so. He usually makes a lot of nice clothes.


: Does he make your clothes, too? : Yes, he does. He frequently sews my clothes. By the way, what about your father? What is his job?


Ridho Well, as you know he is a tour guide.


He travels a lot.

Wow! He's cool, too, Ridho,

Ridho Yes, I know that.

1. Pay attention to the following statements.

(1) The man is Yogi's father. (2) The man is a sailor.

(3) Ridho travels to many tourism attractions...

(4) Ridho's father is a tour guide. (5) Yogi can make a lot of nice clothes.

The correct statements based on the dialog

are shown by number..... a. (1) and (4)

b. (2) and (4) c. (3) and (4)

d. (4) and (5)

2. Who sews Yogi's clothes?

Yogi. b. Ridho.

c. His father.

d. His mother.

3. What does Ridho's father do?

a. A driver.

b. A tour guide.

A tailor.

d. A merchant.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. a. 1 & 4

2. c. His father

3. b. A tour guide

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Last Update: Wed, 15 Jun 22