Teks untuk soal nomor 1-5 Lost and Found Announcement An

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Teks untuk soal nomor 1-5 Lost and Found Announcement An iPhone was found in the Meskwaki Natural Resources buffalo espansion area. It is a rose gold phone with a gray and black case. You can claim this phone by stopping by the Meskwaki Naturan Resources office and entering the requred passcode to unlock it. We hope to find the owner of the phone soon. The office sloses at 4:30 PM and will be open again at 8:00 AM on Monday moring. 1. The text is abount A. Announcement of a missing phone B. Announcement C. Announcement of MNR D. Missing gadger 2. The text is written by... A. A mall B. Meskwaki Natural Resources buffalo expansion area C. Police D. Passerb 4. The phone is... A. An iphone b. A rose colored iphone C. Dead D. Broken 5. The owner of the phone must ... to claim the phone A. Unlock it B. Show their identity C. Prove it's theirs D. Call the police Teks untuk soal nomor 6-10 Nusa Lembongan is one of the three sets of islands located in the southeast of Bali, Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. From those three islands, Nusa Lembongan is the best one. Having the beautiful and natural condition, this island is ready to pamper you. If you like water sports, especially diving or snorkeling, it is recommended for you to decide Nusa Lembongan as the next destination. There are several locations with underwater natural beauty which is not doubtful. Coral reefs and colorful fish are found around the island of Nusa Lembongan. They are so riveting. There are also some equipments for snorkeling and diving to rent. Most residents of Nusa Lembongan is seaweed farmers. So, it is not be surprising if you get in Nusa Lembongan, you can see seaweed. It is being spread out in the sun. There are also some villages where seaweed cultivation becomes the main commodity. Not infrequently travelers rent a motorbike or bicycle to go around the island. Come and prove the naturalness of this island. 6. What is the writer's intention to write the text? A. To ask people to visit the best island in Bali. B. To show the naturalness of the islands in Bali. C. To describe the residents of Nusa Lembongan. D. To promote the attraction of Nusa Lembongan. 7. Why is it recommended for the water sport lovers? A. They can enjoy snorkelling and diving there. B. They can prove the naturalness of the island. C. They can rent motorbikes and bicycles to surround it. D. They can see seaweed being spread out in the sun. 8. What will the readers likely do after reading the text? A. Take the pictures the island. B. Visit the island to enjoy its attraction. C. Rent the motorbike to go to the island. D. Prepare themselves for snorkeling and diving 9. "They are so riveting." The underlined word refers to ... . A. Coral reefs and colorful fish B. Several underwater locations C. Snorkelling and diving equipments D. Most residents as seaweed farmers 10. What is the main commodity in Nusa Lembongan? A. Fish B. Coral reefs C. Seaweed D. Seashells​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The text is about:

B. Announcement

2. The text is written by:

B. Meskwaki Natural Resources buffalo expansion area

4. The phone is:

A. An iPhone

5. The owner of the phone must:

C. Prove it's theirs

6. What is the writer's intention to write the text?

D. To promote the attraction of Nusa Lembongan.

7. Why is it recommended for the water sport lovers?

A. They can enjoy snorkeling and diving there.

8. What will the readers likely do after reading the text?

B. Visit the island to enjoy its attraction.

9. "They are so riveting." The underlined word refers to:

A. Coral reefs and colorful fish.

10. What is the main commodity in Nusa Lembongan?

C. Seaweed.

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Last Update: Tue, 15 Aug 23