Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari eliaputrirahwati pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar
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The rahmats family lives in differens areas. mr. and mrs. rahmat live in jakarta.
aisah and ananta live in palembang, while ivan and fatimah live in makasar. however,the distance is not a problem for them, they can still keep in touch by phone. once a year, they always gather in mr.rahmat's house to celebrate idul fitri day. it is a good time to meet and greet relafives.
1.what is the text about?
2.who have thee childreen? aisah is mr.rahmat's son?
4.are aisah and ananta husband and wife? firda still single many children does mr. rahmat have?
7.who is ivan's wife?
8.why is firda still single?
9.who are the twin boys?
10.where does mrs. rahmad live?
11. do aisah and ivan live in the same city do mr.rahmat's family communicate one another? often mr.rahmat's family celebrate idul fitri together?
14.where do they celebrate the special day?
15.who is mr.rahmat's daughter in law?
16.''she still studies in a university''.what does the word ''she'' refer to?
17.''they can still keep in touch by phone''. the word ''they'' refers to.....
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Last Update: Tue, 25 Apr 23