3. The water in the container shown fills 60 cups.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari CarnivalLadyTeddy pada mata pelajaran Akuntansi untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

3. The water in the container shown fills 60 cups. Each cup holds 400 ml.How many 300 ml glasses can be filled from the container?

~_____[<good luck>]_______~

4. A factory makes bars of soap that weigh 100 grams each.
The soop is packed into boxes, each of which contains 30 bars.
A truck is loaded with 200 boxes.
a How much does one box of soap weigh?
b How many bars of soap are on the truck?
c How much does all the soap on the truck weigh?

|...Tolong dijawab dengan benar...|Terima kasih.​
3. The water in the container shown fills 60 cups. Each cup holds 400 ml.How many 300 ml glasses can be filled from the container?~_____[<good luck>]_______~4. A factory makes bars of soap that weigh 100 grams each.The soop is packed into boxes, each of which contains 30 bars.A truck is loaded with 200 boxes.a How much does one box of soap weigh?b How many bars of soap are on the truck?c How much does all the soap on the truck weigh?|...Tolong dijawab dengan benar...|Terima kasih.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


3. a=60 cups b=400ml c=?

c = axb = 60x400=24000 ml

b=300ml c = 24000ml a=?

a = c/b = 24000/300 = 80 cup

4 1soap = 100gram

1 box = 30bars = 30×100= 3000grams

1 truck = 200box = 200x30 bars = 6000bars

a 3000grams

b 6000 bars

c 6000 bars x100grams = 600.000 grams

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Last Update: Wed, 19 Jan 22