The following text is for questions number 30 to 32Why

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari belelekileo pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

The following text is for questions number 30 to 32Why the Seawater is Salty
One day, a dear grandmother gave a small mill to her grandson who was leaving for a voyage She
said, if you need help, just say this to this mill, 'Mill, mill, grind for me, grind this or that for me at
oncel' then it will grind for you whatever you want. When you say, Mill mill stand still, for I want
nothing more!' then it will stop grinding
The ship's captain was very miserly. He gave little food to his men. The boy often asked the mill
to grind him and his friends some food. Hearing about it, the evil captain seized the mill and forced
the boy to tell him how to use it. Then, he locked the poor boy in his room
Salt is very precious at that moment, so he said, "Mill, mill, grind for me, grind salt for me at
once!" and the mill ground out grains of pure white salt. When there piles of salt, he said. "That is
enough!" but the mill continued to grind The captain forgot what the boy said to stop the mill. The
mill continued to grind until the entire ship was full and was beginning to sink
All the crew, including the boy left the ship using the lifeboats, but the captain didn't He copped
the mill into tiny pieces using his sword. However, every little piece became a little mill, and all
the mills ground out grains of pure white salt. It was soon over for the ship. These are still
grinding out grains of pure white salt at the bottom of the sea
30. What does the story tell us about?
A A brave boy
B. A sinking ship
C A greedy captain.
D. A dear grandmother
31. Why did the captain ask the mill for salt?
A. He wanted to get a lot of money by selling it.
B. He wanted to fill the ship with the salt.
C. He didn't know what else to ask for.
D. He wanted to make the sea salty
32. Why did the mill NOT stop grinding the salt?
A. The captain didn't say the correct words.
B. The captain still wanted more salt.
C. The mill turned into a small mill.
D. The mill was broken​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


30. C. A greedy captain

31. A. He wanted to get a lot of money by selling it

32. A. The captain didn't say the correct words

(sorry if it's wrong, hope it helps) (^-^)

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Last Update: Mon, 02 Aug 21