Mr. Arya : It seems that you lost your appetite.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lsika46 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Mr. Arya : It seems that you lost your appetite. What's wrong, Raka?Raka : Well, I have a sour stomach, Dad. It's very painful.

Mr. Arya : Wait a minute. I'll take a medicine for you.

Raka : Thanks, Dad
After taking the medicine
Mr. Arya : Please take it.
Raka : What is it, Dad? Chews?
Mr. Arya : Yup! They are chewable tablets.
Raka : Do you think it is effective to reduce my sour stomach?
Mr. Arya : I think so. It contains calcium carbonate 1000mg
Raka : How many tablets should I chew?
Mr. Arya : 2 or 3 tablets.
Raka : Is it safe for teenagers?
Mr. Arya : It is. According to the label, the product can be consumed by adults and children of age 12 and
Raka : 0.K., Dad. I'll take it.
Mr. Arya : Get well soon! If you still have a severe
stomachache, let's see a doctor,
Raka : Yes, Dad.
Read the label of medleine attentively before taking
a or consuming it, to avoid bad effecte,
1. Where does the dialog take place?
2. Why does Raka lose his appetite?
3. What does Mr. Arya give Raka?
4. What will Mr. Arya do if Raka doesn't feel better?

Yg jago b.inggris tolong dong​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. at their house

2. because he has a sour stomach

3. medicine

4. bring raka to the doctors

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Last Update: Mon, 06 Dec 21