The text for questions below. Mud volcano is formed from

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rayhanrifqi07 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

The text for questions below. Mud volcano is formed from mud ejected with gases and water from hot spring, geyser, etc. There are 7000 known mud volcanoes worldwide, and about 4000 of these are found in eastern Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea. The rest are in Trinidad, Alaska and the Andaman Islands. The newest is in Sidoarjo, East Java. It is unusual because it is huge and according to Sam Rice, a Geologist from Cambridge University, it is probably between typical mud volcano and hydrothermal vent, with an unlikely high temperature of 60 degrees Celcius, containing a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide gas that suggests there exist some kind of a volcano or hypothermal activity. Mud and gas accumulation is formed when sea sediment and sea water are trapped, when one tectonic plates slides under another continental plate. The gas erupts from a volcano or a crack in the earth's crust because of oil drilling or an earthquake. 16. "It is unusual because it is huge and ...." (third paragraph) The word "huge" is closest in meaning to .... A. Enormous B. Narrow C. Large D. big​
The text for questions below. Mud volcano is formed from mud ejected with gases and water from hot spring, geyser, etc. There are 7000 known mud volcanoes worldwide, and about 4000 of these are found in eastern Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea. The rest are in Trinidad, Alaska and the Andaman Islands. The newest is in Sidoarjo, East Java. It is unusual because it is huge and according to Sam Rice, a Geologist from Cambridge University, it is probably between typical mud volcano and hydrothermal vent, with an unlikely high temperature of 60 degrees Celcius, containing a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide gas that suggests there exist some kind of a volcano or hypothermal activity. Mud and gas accumulation is formed when sea sediment and sea water are trapped, when one tectonic plates slides under another continental plate. The gas erupts from a volcano or a crack in the earth's crust because of oil drilling or an earthquake. 16.

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jawabannya C ya

C. large

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Last Update: Thu, 03 Aug 23