(Indirect Question) Change the following into Indirect Questions. You must change

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rietakahashi pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

(Indirect Question)Change the following into Indirect Questions. You must change the tenses as well
1. "Will there be anyone to meet you at the airport?" he asked Mei Ling.
2. "Can we borrow your ladder?" we asked the painter.
3. The policeman asked him, "What are you doing here at this hour?"
4. "Did you enjoy yourselves at the party?" their mother asked them.
5. "Where is the nearest telephone booth?" the stranger inquired.
6. Lily said, "Kok Wah, have you finished reading the book I lent you?"
7. "Why was the match postponed to Wednesday?" he asked the games captain.
8. "Has she ever complained of the pain before?" the doctor asked her mother.
9. I asked the gardener, "Why are you cutting that tree down?"
10. The detective questioned her, "Did you notice anything unusual about his behaviour?"

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. He asked Mei Ling if there would be anyone to meet her at the airport.

2. We asked the painter whether/if we could borrow his ladder.

3. The policeman asked him what he was doing there at that hour.

4. Their mother asked them whether they had enjoyed theirselves at the party.

5. The stranger inquired where thenearest telephone boothwas.

6. Lily asked Koh Wah if he had finished reading the book she had lent him.

7. He asked the games captain why the match had been postponedto Wednesday

8. The doctor asked her mother if she had ever complained of the pain before.

9. I asked the gardener why he was cutting the tree down.

10. The detective questioned her if she had noticed anything unusual about his behavior.


Ketika ingin melaporkan ulang "Direct question" dari sepuluh kalimat yang ditanyakan di atas, kalian perlu mengubah pertanyaan² tersebut menjadi bentuk afirmatif, di mana kata kerja "noun clause" mengalami "backshift" (mundur satu tingkatan tenses).

  • Jika pertanyaannya berupa pertanyaan "Yes/No", gunakanlah "If" atau "Whether" untuk mendeklarasikan informasinya.


D S= "Can we borrow your ladder?" we asked the painter.

I.D.S = We asked the painter whether/if we could borrow his ladder.

Pertanyaan "Direct" mengalami perubahan ke bentuk afirmatif dengan menggunakan "whether." "Verb tense" juga mundur satu tingkatan ke bentuk "Past simple." Kemudian, possessive determiner "your" berubah ke "his" berdasarkan kedudukan si pelapor.

  • Jika pertanyaannya menggunakan "Question words (What, where, when, who, why), kalian tetap menggunakan "Question words" tersebut tetapi bentuk kalimat tanyanya dirubah ke bentuk afirmatif.


D.S= "Where is the nearest telephone booth?" the stranger inquired.

I.D.S= The stranger inquired where the nearest telephone booth was.

Pertanyaan "Question word" berubah ke bentuk afirmatif di mana "Question word (Where)" tetap digunakan.


Jika "reporting verb" berbentuk lampau (said, told, asked), "noun clause verb" mengalami "backshift."

➻Simple present ➛Simple past

➻Simple past ➛Past perfect

➻Present perfect ➛Past perfect

➻Simple future ➛ Present conditional

➻Present continuous ➛Past continuous

➻Past continuous ➛Past perfect continuous


Learn more about

Indirect Speech








Grade: XII

Subject: English

Category: Sentence structure

Code: 12.5.6

Keywords: indirect question, reported Speech

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Last Update: Wed, 23 Mar 22