Hi Bagas, what are you doing? Are you busy now?"Bagas

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Taehyuny pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Hi Bagas, what are you doing? Are you busy now?"Bagas "Oh Ali! I am just doing my assignments, what is the matter ?"
: "I just want to ask you something, do you know Diana ?"
Bagas : "Of course I know her, she is one of my classmates. Why?"
"I Have some projects with my teacher, she wants me to to work with
Diana but I do not know her. Can you describe her for me?"
Bagas : "She is tall and she has long hair. If I am not mistaken, she has a
mole on her right check. She is chubby and she has a warm smile.
Her eyes are big and blue."
Ali : "Did you see her around here ?"
Bagas : "I think I saw her on this library five minutes ago. You should go to find
Ali : "That is a good idea, thank you."
Bagas "You are welcome, Ali. Good luck."

1.who is the person that ali is looking por?

d.his teacher

2.where is the conversation take place? it takes place in the

3.what is being described about diana

a.her personality
b.her motorcycle
c.her apperances
d.her attitude
4. why does ali look for diana
a.he does not like her
b.he has a project with her
c.he is curious about her
d. he has some projects with her

5.how does diana look like?
a.she iw short and she has long hair
b.she is tall and she has short hair
c.she is short and she has short hair
d.she is tall and she has long hair​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. b. (bagas)

2. a. (library)

3. a. (her personality)

4. c. (he is curious about her)

5. d. (she is tall and she has long hair)

semoga membantu ☺️

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Last Update: Tue, 17 Aug 21