7.11 Nagle Electric, Inc., of Lincoln, Nebraska, must replace a robotic

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dayatmuhamad9 pada mata pelajaran SBMPTN untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

7.11 Nagle Electric, Inc., of Lincoln, Nebraska, mustreplace a robotic Mig welder and is evaluating two alternatives.
Machine A has a fixed cost for the first year of $75,000 and a
variable cost of $16, with a capacity of 18,000 units per year.
Machine B is slower, with a speed of one-half of A’s, but the fixed
cost is only $60,000. The variable cost will be higher, at $20 per
unit. Each unit is expected to sell for $28.
a) What is the crossover point (point of indifference) in units for
the two machines?
b) What is the range of units for which machine A is prefer-
c) What is the range of units for which machine B is preferable?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

a) The crossover point (point of indifference) is the point at which the total costs of Machine A and Machine B are equal. To find this point, we need to set up an equation and solve for the number of units.

Let's assume the number of units produced is 'x'.

For Machine A:

Total Cost of Machine A = Fixed Cost + Variable Cost

Total Cost of Machine A = $75,000 + ($16 * x)

For Machine B:

Total Cost of Machine B = Fixed Cost + Variable Cost

Total Cost of Machine B = $60,000 + ($20 * x)

To find the crossover point, we set the two total costs equal to each other and solve for 'x':

$75,000 + ($16 * x) = $60,000 + ($20 * x)

$75,000 - $60,000 = ($20 * x) - ($16 * x)

$15,000 = $4 * x

x = $15,000 / $4

x = 3,750

Therefore, the crossover point (point of indifference) is 3,750 units.

b) Machine A is preferable when the number of units produced is below the crossover point. So the range of units for which Machine A is preferable is less than 3,750 units.

c) Machine B is preferable when the number of units produced is above the crossover point. So the range of units for which Machine B is preferable is greater than or equal to 3,750 units.

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Last Update: Thu, 10 Aug 23