Activity 5answer the following questions based on the song lyrics

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari loli8749 pada mata pelajaran Kimia untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Activity 5answer the following questions based on the song lyrics in activity 4.
1. what is the theme of the song?
4. "a million dreams are keeping me awake
2. who is the song addressed to? how do you
i think of what the world could be
a vision of the one i see
3. what is the singer trying to say in the second
a million dreams is all it's gonna take
a million dreams for the world we're gonna
what can you learn from the stanza?
5. what value can you figure out from the song

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Me Not Can Answer. So Crazy....

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Last Update: Sun, 29 Aug 21