My Hotel PR My hotel is (1) ..... rooms located

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari airasirli1234 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

My Hotel PR My hotel is (1) ..... rooms located beautiful. My hotel has (2).... in the Putri Hill area. There are other hotels in the area which are all The rooms are air conditioned and there is a color (3)..... in each room. Our guests come and check in or check put at the receptionist's desk. These people also help the guests with their needs. They can order (4)... our (5) ...and the receptionists ask to serve them. Guests can have breakfast, lunch of dinner in the room or in the restaurant. The receptionist can also help guests with their (6) ...and (8).... The laundry woman will (7)... the clothes. The room-keepers clean all the rooms every day. The bellboys help guests with their bags. If you come to my town, you can (9)... my hotel and (10) there. ... ... ...​

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joki tgs r


nomor 567995579


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Last Update: Mon, 24 Oct 22