things that cant be pulled by magnets are​

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Things that cant be pulled by magnets are​

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There are several things that cannot be attracted to magnets, including:

  1. Non-magnetic materials, such as aluminum, lead, and copper. These materials are not attracted to magnets because they are not made up of ferromagnetic materials.
  2. Non-magnetic metals, such as gold and silver, are also not attracted to magnets.
  3. Non-metallic objects, such as wood, glass, and plastic, are not attracted to magnets because they do not have any magnetic properties.
  4. Some stainless steel alloys are also not attracted to magnets. These alloys contain a high proportion of non-magnetic materials, such as nickel and copper, which make them resistant to magnetism.
  5. High-temperature superconductors are materials that can conduct electricity with zero resistance, but they are not attracted to magnets because they do not have any magnetic moments.
  6. Gravity is not affected by magnets, so objects that are attracted to the Earth's gravity, such as people and objects made of earth materials, are not attracted to magnets.

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Last Update: Wed, 05 Apr 23