Describe a scenario in the United States which would highlight

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari joshainevielsamadi pada mata pelajaran Ekonomi untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Describe a scenario in the United States which would highlight the mixed market economicsystem we live under today

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The United States (US) emerged as one of the global economic powers. If traced back, the track record of the US economy since the 1990s shows that the country has achieved economic stability with low unemployment, a trade surplus and in terms of stock stability. In 1998, the gross domestic product (GDP) of the US goods and services sector was more than US$8.5 trillion. This relates to the total population of the US which is economically responsible for about 25% of the world's economic product.


In general, the outline of the US economic system is based on the principles of liberalism, which are committed to capitalism, individual freedom, free market mechanisms, political pluralism, and resistance to government centralization. Furthermore, the liberal and capitalistic US economy is played by two important factors, namely, natural resources and labor. The US economy is supported by abundant natural resources in the form of mineral resources, fertile soil, and a fairly long coastline in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean regions. Meanwhile, labor plays a role in processing these resources into goods. The US has three special concerns in terms of labor especially availability, productivity and quality.

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Last Update: Thu, 19 Jan 23