Apa penyebab munculnya IHRM dalam Sumber Daya Manusia ?

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Apa penyebab munculnya IHRM dalam Sumber Daya Manusia ?

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>>> Economy

Some of the factors that cause the emergence of IHRM include:

  • Number 1

Globalization: Today's companies are expanding their business activities to different countries around the world. This makes it imperative for companies to manage their international workforce effectively to ensure compliance with local regulations and policies.

  • Number 2

Technological change: Rapid technological changes are impacting businesses and the workforce. IHRM assists companies in managing employees who have the knowledge and technological skills needed to support global business.

  • Number 3

Need for special skills: The company needs employees with special skills that may not be available in the company's home country.

  • Number 4

Regulatory complexity: Different countries have different regulations governing labor and business. This makes companies need international human resources who can understand and manage these regulations.

  • Number 5

Cultural diversity: Employees spread across different countries have different cultural backgrounds, norms and languages. IHRM assists companies in managing this diversity in order to optimize employee performance and productivity.

Explain: IHRM (International Human Resource Management) emerged because global companies needed an effective international HR strategy to manage a workforce spread across various countries countries with different cultures, norms, and languages.

  • 11 March 2023

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Last Update: Thu, 08 Jun 23