Mrs. Nana has savings that are used to open a

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rakhasurya12 pada mata pelajaran Ekonomi untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Mrs. Nana has savings that are used to open a food business. Some businesses that have the best prospects, for example:Open a soto restaurant with a profit of Rp50.000,00/day.
Open a meatball restaurant with a profit of Rp76.000,00/day.
Open a rawon restaurant with a profit of Rp85.000,00/day.
Finally, Mrs. Nana chose to open a meatball restaurant. How much opportunity cost does Mrs. Nana get each month?






Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

To determine the opportunity cost of Mrs. Nana's decision to open a meatball restaurant, we need to subtract the profit she could have made from opening a different restaurant from the profit she makes from the meatball restaurant. Since the profit from the soto restaurant is Rp50,000/day and the profit from the meatball restaurant is Rp76,000/day, the opportunity cost of opening the meatball restaurant is Rp26,000/day. If we multiply this opportunity cost by the number of days in a month (assuming there are 30 days in a month), we get Rp26,000/day * 30 days/month = Rp780,000/month. Therefore, the answer is D


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Last Update: Wed, 08 Mar 23