Change these sentences into REPORTED SPEECH / INDIRECT SPEECH. 6.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari clpanang125 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change these sentences into REPORTED SPEECH / INDIRECT SPEECH.6. Andy says, “ She is watching TV with her sisters”.
7. Mr. Gondo told Rita, “ Your task has been submitted by your friend”.
8. Merpati asked to Nury, “ Did you finish your work yesterday?”
9. The man asks to Widi’ “ Where is the post office from here?
10. Mr.Damar says to the students, “ You have to study hard to prepare the last examination.”
11. Our teacher asks me, “ Do that for your parents!“

Change into passive voice!

12. The students was painting an old car in the workshop when the lamp blew out.
13. They have built the house of stone and cement.
14. Our president will visit the victims of flood in Bima.
15. Tomo welded the iron fence last night.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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maaf kalau salah

hanya itu dulu ya

Jawaban:maaf kalau salahhanya itu dulu ya

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Last Update: Sun, 25 Jun 23