Which statemen is not correct based on the text?A. Cough

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rahmatadi251 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Which statemen is not correct based on the text?A. Cough syrup can be taken after meal
B. Buat medicines are in the form of liquid
C. Bot medicines can be used to relieve fever
D. Pain killer can be used by kids

Dinas mother has got a savere headache. She has taken pain killer for a week. How many t a b l e t s has she consumed?
A. 4
B. 21
C. 28
D. 42

Safitri is five years old. How many t a b l e t s m u s t she consume when she saver from headache?
A. One teaspoonful three times a day.
B. Two teaspoonfuls three times a day.
C. One tablet twice a day
D. Two tablets three times a day.

From the text about we can conclude that...
A. People have to take painkiller when they suffer from Cough
B. People have to take cough syrup when they suffer from flu
C. Pain killer is a kind of capsule
D. People have to shake the pain killer before use​
Which statemen is not correct based on the text?A. Cough syrup can be taken after mealB. Buat medicines are in the form of liquidC. Bot medicines can be used to relieve feverD. Pain killer can be used by kidsDinas mother has got a savere headache. She has taken pain killer for a week. How many t a b l e t s has she consumed?A. 4B. 21C. 28D. 42Safitri is five years old. How many t a b l e t s m u s t she consume when she saver from headache?A. One teaspoonful three times a day.B. Two teaspoonfuls three times a day.C. One tablet twice a dayD. Two tablets three times a day.From the text about we can conclude that...A. People have to take painkiller when they suffer from CoughB. People have to take cough syrup when they suffer from fluC. Pain killer is a kind of capsuleD. People have to shake the pain killer before use​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. A. Cough syrup can be taken after a meal
  2. D. 42
  3. C. One tablet, twice a day
  4. 4. B. People have to take cough syrup when they have flu


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Last Update: Tue, 13 Dec 22