1 Please read the following dialogue and fill it with

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari liyanefika pada mata pelajaran Ekonomi untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1 Please read the following dialogue and fill it with less, fewer or more to complete his/herutterance!
Andi : People these days are buying 1) ……….. newspapers because people prefer to
read via online.
Ana : That is one of the real impacts of internet. Through internet, people can also
spend 2)…………. time to order foods.
Andi : Indeed, the existence of internet has changed the pattern of human lifestyle. But,
consequently requires 3)……….. costs to buy internet quota.
Ana : Yes, that’s right. By the way, Andi, Would you like to add 4)……… sweets?
Andi : Oh, no! Thank you.
2 Rewrite the direct speech as reported speech to complete the sentences. Use contractions
where possible!
a. “I will send you a gift.' He told me that he ………………… me a gift.
b. “I can’t drive a car.” She said that she …………… drive a car.
c. “You look so nice and cute.” He told me that I …………….. nice and cute
d. “We are going to mecca next year.” They said that they …………… to mecca the following year.
e. “I do not undertand what you are speaking.” He said that he …………….. what I ……….
3 Use ‘if’ or ‘whether’ for the following sentences!
a. ……… you sing, I'll pay you ten pounds.
b. ……….you sink or swim is not my concern.
c. Anna wondered ………… she had unplugged the iron.
d. God will catch you ………..you fall.
e. I'd suggest checking .......... the person has a permit or not.
f. Inform the clerk …….. Jhon needs a seat
g. She is unsure …………… she will be attending the party.
h. Some people have questioned .......... the project is useful or just a waste of money.
i. We'll probably move to a smaller house .......... the children leave home
j. Why don't you come in the summer .......... the weather's better?
4 Make a short paragraph using adverbial clauses of purpose (that, so that, such …. that, in order
that, in order to)!

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Berdasarkan pada soal di atas berikut adalah jawaban yang tepat:

  1. 1)Fewer
  2. a) “He told me that he’ll send me a gift”
    b) “she said that she can’t drive a car”
    c) “He told me that I’m nice and cute” or “He told me that I look nice and cute”
    d) “They said that they’ll going to mecca the following year.”
    e) “He said that he can’t understand what I’m speaking.”
  3. a. If
    b. Whether
    c. Whether
    d. If
    e. Whether
    f. If
    g. Whether
    h.  Whether
    i. If
    j. If
  4. This Summer I plan to learn how to swim with my brother. He said that I need to giving him a gift in order to teach me how to swim. That’s such an annoying offer that he want me to pay for it. But It’s okay I’ll buy him a gift and learn how to swim with him. In order that, the lesson will place this Sunday morning.


  1. 1) fewer karena jumlahnya tidak bisa dihitung, hanya berupa perkiraan
    2)more karena butuh lebih banyak waktu
    3)more biaya lebih
    4) more, menawarkan tambahan gula  
  2. Contractions adalah gabungan dua kata menjadi satu kata. Contohnya she’ll; I’d, They’re, We’ll, dan He’s
  3. Whether digunakan dalam kondisi yang membandingkan suatu keadaan. Sedangkan If keadaan pengandaian suatu kemungkinan.

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Last Update: Sun, 18 Sep 22