3 Read the passage below and answer the following questions. Sheep

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ewardjacks25 pada mata pelajaran Ekonomi untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

3 Read the passage below and answer the following questions.Sheep and goats are both small livestock animals raised for their wool, hair or pelts as
well as milk and meat. Sheep and goats were the first animals that humans domesticated, and they
continue to be among the most popular livestock animals. If you look closely at sheep and goats,
you'll notice their physical differences and be able to distinguish between the two. Sheep also have
behavioral characteristics that set them apart from goats.
Sheep and goats have numerous physical differences. Most goats have hair coats that do
not require shearing or combing. Sheep have a thicker, fuller coat that needs to be sheared at least
annually. Most goats have horns, but sheep do not. Sheep and goats have different mouths–sheep
have an upper lip with a division in it called a philtrum, but goats do not. Goats have tails that point
upwards and sheep have tails that hang down. (1) Sheep tails are often shortened (cropped or
(2) A big difference between sheep and goats is their diet selection. Goats require and
select a more nutritious diet. Sheep like to graze on grass, while goats prefer to graze on anything
they can, including leaves, twigs and anything edible they can reach.
Sheep and goats usually exhibit different behavior. Goats are naturally curious and
independent, while sheep tend to be more distant and aloof. Sheep have a stronger flocking instinct
and become very agitated if they are separated from the rest of the flock. It is easier to keep sheep
inside a fence than goats. Sheep are easier to handle than goats.
Sheep and goats are separate species and cannot interbreed to produce fertile offspring.
(3) However, scientists can produce genetic chimeras (combinations) of sheep and goat in
laboratories. Sheep have 54 chromosomes, and goats have 60 chromosomes.
An adult male sheep is called a ram and an adult female sheep is an ewe. Young sheep are lambs.
An adult male goat is called a buck or billy and an adult female goat is called a doe or nanny. Young
goats are called kids.
[Adapted from:
Zahra S. (n.d.). The Characteristics of Sheep vs. Goats. Retrieved from

4 dari 5
Thornton-O’Connell, J. (n.d.). What Are the Names of Male, Female & Young Goats? Retrieved

a) Identify the author’s purpose.
b) Identify the main subject of the underlined sentences (1), (2), and (3).
(1) Sheep tails are often shortened (cropped or docked).
Main subject = ………
(2) A big difference between sheep and goats is their foraging behaviors and diet selection.
Main subject = ………
(3) However, scientists can produce genetic chimeras (combinations) of sheep and goat in
Main subject = ………
c) Identify the differences between sheep and goats regarding their:
(1) hair coats
(2) behavior
Use a conjunctive adverb or comparative adverb in illustrating the difference.
d) Write the differences in the previous questions (c) in the form of a table.
Sheep Goat
Hair coat ……… ………
Behavior ……… ………
e) The sentences below are based on the text above. Identify the function of 2 (two) italicized verbs
ending in -ing, whether each of them indicates a present participle or a gerund.
(1) Most goats have hair coats that do not require shearing or combing.
shearing = ………
(2) Sheep have a stronger flocking instinct and become very agitated if they are separated
from the rest of the flock.
flocking = ………

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Answer the following question about Goats and Sheep.

1. The author’s purposeis to inform aboutdifferences between sheep and  goat.

2. The main subject is sheep tails (1), a big difference between sheep and goats (2), and scientist (3).

3. The differences between sheep and goats:

  • Hair coats: sheep have a thicker and fuller coat than goats.
  • behavior: goats are more curious and independent, while sheep more distant and aloof.

4. Identifying the function

  • Shearing = gerund because shearing in the sentence is as a noun.
  • Flocking = present participle.


1. Tujuandari penulis adalah memberikaninformasi tentang perbedaan domba dan kambing.

2. Subjek dari kalimat adalah ekor domba, perbedaan domba dan kambing serta ilmuwan.

3. Perbedaan antara domba dan kambing adalah:

  1. Domba memiliki bulu yang lebih tebal dan lebat dari pada kambing.
  2. Kambing lebih penasaran dan mandiri, sedangkan domba lebih suka menyendiri.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang gerund pada yomemimo.com/tugas/1515072



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Last Update: Fri, 16 Sep 22