Kriteria dan teknik pemilihan lokasi industri harus tepat, jelaskan beserta

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Kriteria dan teknik pemilihan lokasi industri harus tepat, jelaskan beserta contohnya dan industri apa?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Determination of business location is an activity that is not easy, many factors influence the decision in determining the location because it involves the operational costs of the company. The purpose of this research was to know the factors that become the consideration of PT Sung Chang Indonesia’s Branch in Banjar City in choosing the location of the current factory. This research used the descriptive qualitative method, data collected through in-depth interviews with informants that had been determined and performed continuously until the data was saturated. Results of data records were transcribed in full. Next, data were grouped by category. The result of research stated that the factors that become the consideration in choosing the location of the business of PT Sung Chang Indonesia’s Branch of Banjar City namely; 1) availability of manpower, 2) availability of electric power, 3) transport facilities, 4) health services, security, and fire prevention, 5) local government regulations, 6) public attitudes, 7) land and building costs, 8) possibility for expansion. Factors that are not noticed in determining the business location for PT Sung Chang Indonesia namely; 1) location of the market, 2) location of raw materials, 3) housing, education, shopping and telecommunication facilities, 4) parking area, 5) sewer, 6) lane width.


Operation management, business location, manufacturing business

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Last Update: Thu, 29 Jul 21