1. Mr Heru is a headmaster at SMP Jaya. He

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yaa295 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. Mr Heru is a headmaster at SMP Jaya. He ... of the school.2. My aunt is a teacher. She ... English in one of the schools in Surabaya.

3. He is the new security guard. He ... people going into our school without permission.

4. The librarian always ... students find books in the library.

5. I am a student. I ... at school from Monday to Friday.

Tlng bntu jwb sceptnya ya..​
1. Mr Heru is a headmaster at SMP Jaya. He ... of the school.2. My aunt is a teacher. She ... English in one of the schools in Surabaya.3. He is the new security guard. He ... people going into our school without permission.4. The librarian always ... students find books in the library.5. I am a student. I ... at school from Monday to Friday. Tlng bntu jwb sceptnya ya..​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Below are the answers:

  1. "Mr Heru is a headmaster at SMP Jaya. He responsible of the school."
  2. "My aunt is a teacher. She teaches English in one of the schools in Surabaya."
  3. "He is the new security guard. He forbids people going into our school without permission."
  4. "The librarian always helps students find books in the library."
  5. "I am a student. I study at school from Monday to Friday."


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Last Update: Thu, 06 Apr 23