What is a hydrophilic material? What is a hydrophobic material?

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What is a hydrophilic material? What is a hydrophobic material?

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A hydrophilic material is a material that has an affinity for water, meaning it can attract and absorb water molecules. Hydrophilic materials are typically polar or charged, allowing them to interact with the polar water molecules through hydrogen bonding. Examples of hydrophilic materials include cotton, cellulose, and some types of plastics.

On the other hand, a hydrophobic material is a material that repels water and is not easily wetted by it. Hydrophobic materials are typically nonpolar and lack any charge or polarity that can interact with water molecules. Instead, they tend to be composed of nonpolar molecules or have a low surface energy, making it difficult for water molecules to adhere to them. Examples of hydrophobic materials include oil, wax, and Teflon.

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Last Update: Wed, 05 Jul 23