minta tolong dong, deskripsikan tanaman ini menggunakan bahasa inggris.... nama

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Minta tolong dong, deskripsikan tanaman ini menggunakan bahasa inggris....nama tanamannya suplir mawar
terima kasih​
minta tolong dong, deskripsikan tanaman ini menggunakan bahasa inggris.... nama tanamannya suplir mawarterima kasih​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


*cerita 1.* Suplir is a popular fern for decorating rooms or gardens that belongs to the genus Adiantum, which belongs to the Vittarioideae sub-tribe, the Pteridaceae tribe. The name "suplir" is an adaptation of chevelure from French, which means "all the hair on the head", a name introduced by people The Netherlands during the colonial period.


*cerita 2.* Suplir is included in the genus of ferns

(adiantum). Naturally, suplir grows on the sidelines of damp, humus rocks with fibrous roots that are embedded and spread slowly. Suplir plants reproduce by spores so they don't flower.

One of the characteristics of the suplir plant that makes it different from other ferns is its distinctive bubbly appearance. Ferns have leaf tips that curl or curl inward. This distinctive fern leaf shape is called frond. The fronds of suplir plants are not elongated harmoniously like ferns in general, but can be triangular, rectangular or rounded. There are suplir plant leaves that function for photosynthesis, there are also those that produce sopra.


jawaban nya ada 2 bisa tinggal dipilih:)

semoga membantu:)

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Last Update: Sun, 16 Jul 23