Once upon a time, there lived a small worm. He

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Once upon a time, there lived a small worm. He lives under the ground, in the dirt. Because he was small and lived underg the round, he envied other animals when he went out."Why am I not big like the snake? It would be fun to be that big. Other animals would never step on me by accident. thought the worm.

One day, the worm met a tree when he was on the surface. "Hello there, little worm. Where are you going?" said the talking tree. “Oh, hello there, Sir. I was just out looking around. I get bored a lot underground. It seems more interesting up here," said the worm politely. "Really? I don't agree with you. It gets cold and hot and in between here. The weather changes too much. It must be nice to live under the ground. It's damp and cool," said the tree.

The worm agreed with the tree, but he did not say so. Instead, he kept talking about how nice it must be to live above the ground. "But when you're above ground and big like you, people and other animals won't step on you by accident." "True, but they do cut a lot of my branches to make fire and such. Despite what people think, it hurts when I lost a branch or leaf. And it's very hard to hide when you're this big," replied the tree.

The worm kept thinking about what the tree said. "Besides," said the Tree, "what you did underground is very noble. You keep the ground soft and aerated. That is very important for trees such as my friends and I. And for that, I thankyou, dear little worm."

The worm then realized that maybe living under the ground is not so bad. He never complained about it anymore, and he stayed best friends with the tree, who protects him whenever he could as a form of thanks to the worm.

carilah kata-kata sulit dari teks tersebut!!​

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lu sbb cari aja kata2 yg lu gk ngerti atau rasa sulit

semoga bantu syg

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Last Update: Mon, 18 Jul 22