1. My brother _________ his new shoes. are choosing is choosing choose 2. Why

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lex97 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. My brother _________ his new shoes.are choosing
is choosing
2. Why ____ my sister ________ alone?

are – walking
does – walks
is – walking
3. My friends _________ to my new house.

are coming
is coming
4. Cathy _______ him a new story.

is telling
are telling
5. ____ you _____ to buy new clothes?

Are – going
Is – going
Do – go
6. Why ____ the children ______ traditional clothes?

is – wearing
are – wearing
do – wear
7. We ________ to clean the house.

is not going
don’t go
are not going
8. The children _______ in the swimming pool.

are not swimming
don’t swim
is not swimming
9. We _________ to buy a new car.

are not going
is not going
10. Emily ________ my mobile phone.

are bringing
is bringing

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. My brother is choosing his new shoes.
  2. Why is my sister walking alone?
  3. My friends are coming to my new house.
  4. Cathy is telling him a new story.
  5. Are you going to buy new clothes?
  6. Why are the children wearing traditional clothes?
  7. We are not going to clean the house.
  8. The children are not swimming in the swimming pool.
  9. We are not going to buy a new car.
  10. Emily is bringing my mobile phone.

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Last Update: Wed, 23 Aug 23