compare the effect of walking and marathon running on energy

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rayhaniazkanoor pada mata pelajaran Biologi untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Compare the effect of walking and marathon running on energy reserves

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Izin menjawab kak

when we run, the energy we need will be more and more, why did this thing happen?This happens because the processing of energy that we get comes from Aerobic respiration, especially in Catabolism (Glycolysis, Oxidative Decarboxylation, Cerb cycle , elektron trabporter).An energy produced of this is as much as38 ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) which is an energy that is very good for the body if utilized. besides that the energy we use can be increasingly depleted if an activity that we do is too hard, for example, by running a marathon, if there is too much energy we are forced to use it later, the energy reserves we need will be even more, the heart will beat fast to process it. In addition, the body will divert to Anaerobic Respiration, which is breathing later the energy that is produced will be even more, but the side effect will be to provide a lactic acidwhich is known to make pain due to a sticking ofuric acid.

i hope this helps :)

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Last Update: Sat, 12 Aug 23