what is the difference between a fish and the water

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What is the difference between a fish and the water ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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The difference between a fish and water is that a fish is a living organism belonging to the animal kingdom, specifically the aquatic vertebrates, while water is a chemical compound composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms (H2O) in a liquid state.

Fish are animals with specialized adaptations for living in water. They have gills to extract oxygen from water, fins for propulsion and maneuverability, and scales or a slimy skin to protect their bodies. Fish come in various shapes, sizes, and species, and they exhibit a wide range of behaviors and characteristics.

On the other hand, water is an essential substance for life on Earth. It is a transparent, odorless, and tasteless liquid that covers a significant portion of the planet's surface. Water is vital for the survival of fish and other aquatic organisms as it provides a habitat, a medium for various biological processes, and a source of nutrients.

In summary, the key difference is that a fish is a living organism adapted to live in water, while water itself is a substance necessary for the existence and functioning of fish and other life forms.

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Last Update: Sat, 05 Aug 23