dea's mother has ...?​

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Dea's mother has ...?​

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Jawaban:                      semoga bisa membantu anda !!

Almost unnoticeably, sometime in early May, the coronavirus crept into a house in Indonesia's emerging COVID-19 epicenter of Surabaya and ensnared four members of the family who lived there. The father of the family, 68, died on the morning of May 30 before being tested, less than a day after he was admitted to an isolation room at a Surabaya hospital along with his 61-year-old wife. Later that day, in a different hospital, surgeons operated on the couple's eldest daughter to remove her unborn child, whose heart had stopped beating. The woman who lost her child had tested positive for COVID-19 and had been on a ventilator for days before the operation. In the early morning of May 31, hours after the burial of the family’s father and the unborn child, which the bereaved family could only witness from inside their cars, the eldest daughter died. The youngest daughter begged the nurses to let her see her dead sister, a 34-year-old who had been married for two years, by video call. On June 2, the mother of the family died before she was tested, an hour after she told her youngest daughter by phone that she could no longer bear her breathing difficulties. She passed away unaware that her eldest daughter had died before her. Their stories were shared by the family's youngest daughter, 27-year-old Dea Winnie Pertiwi, who spoke with the media after rumors about the family made the rounds on WhatsApp groups. The deceased family members are survived by Dea, her middle sister, as well as her brother-in-law and his 17-month-old child. "Thank God that during the last burial, which was my mother’s, I could bathe her body and join her funeral even though I had to have full personal protective equipment [PPE] on," Dea told The Jakarta Post, referring to a common Islamic funeral rite that has all but ceased under the pandemic. Dea and her family spent the following days separately in mandatory isolation. They were united only by their grief. There was no takziyah (vigil) nor funeral for the deceased. The graves were left plain, with simple wooden mounds displaying the deceased’s names and the hospitals where they had died. Dea herself was waiting for test results as she had developed a cough and had lost her sense of smell. "My parents never left the house. In fact, my father was very disciplined about [health protocols]," Dea said.

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Last Update: Sat, 31 Jul 21