A student wants to investigate if sleep duration (how long

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A student wants to investigate if sleep duration (how long someone sleep) influence someone’s concentration on the following day. What is the testable question that can be asked by the student?

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well, he could ask the questions bellow

  • first, the student should ask how long do they sleep. This way, he could later come to a conclusion after he ask them the rest of the questions.
  • second, the could ask how do they do at school/work. For example, this person does do well at work but, sometimes he could feel exhausted a little and when that happens, he could lose his focus.
  • third, what do they do before going to sleep. Sometimes, that could effect the results. For example, this person takes some medicine before bed and medicine sometimes could make you more tired than usual. and sometimes it doesn't affect his focus


hope it helps

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Last Update: Sun, 15 May 22