1. the goat is heavier than the rabbit. the rabbit

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari bonfiliojoshua1052 pada mata pelajaran Biologi untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

1. the goat is heavier than the rabbit. the rabbit is heavier than the bird.so, the goat is...than the bird. it is the.. among them

2. fahri runs quicker than dimas. dimas runs quicker than surya.
so, fahri runs the ..., and surya runs the......

3. the pine tree is taller than the mango tree. the mango tree is taller than the cassava tree.
so, the cassava tree is the .........., while the pine tree is the...

4. i think, reading a book is more enjoyable than knitting. but, watching movies is the most enjoyable for me.
so, watching movie is...than reading a book. knitting is the... activity for me.

5. my father said that in the jungle, the lion is more dangerous than the bear. the bear is more dangerous than the bull.
so, the lion is... than the bull, and itu is the.. in the jungle

mohan bantuanny (soal b. inggris) dan penjelasnny​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The goat is heavier than the rabbit. The rabbit is heavier than the bird. So, the goat is heavier than the bird. It is the heaviest among them.

2. Fahri runs quicker than Dimas. Dimas runs quicker than Surya.

so, Fahri runs the quickest, and Surya runs the slowest

3. The pine tree is taller than the mango tree. The mango tree is taller than the cassava tree.

So, the cassava tree is the shortest, while the pine tree is the tallest

4. I think, reading a book is more enjoyable than knitting, but watching movies is the most enjoyable for me.

So, watching movie is more enjoyable than reading a book. knitting is the least enjoyable activity for me.

5. My father said that in the jungle, the lion is more dangerous than the bear. The bear is more dangerous than the bull.

So, the lion is more dangerous than the bull, and lion is the most dangerous in the jungle.


Maaf klo salah, semoga membantu :)

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Last Update: Sat, 14 May 22