Complete the dialog!Boy : Wow your cat is so cute

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari malifazha pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete the dialog!Boy : Wow your cat is so cute I like its brown color
Girl : Her name is daisy
Boy : How old *is* she?
Girl : She is three years old
Boy : Her fur *is* so soft and fluffy.
What thing does your cat like doing?
Girl : She *likes* playing with the yarn ball.
She also likes to rub up against your leg
She ____ so loving and sweet.
Boy : Why do cats purr?
Girl : They purr when they’re content. Daisy ____ content and happy each time I stroke her.
Boy : What does she eat?
Girl : She usually *eats* cat food, but we also give her meat, oats, rice and eggs.
Boy : What about milk?
Girl : She doesn’t like milk
Boy : Does she catch mice?
Girl : Yes, *she* does, occasionally. She is a very good hunter. She can run really fast.
She is tired now. She usually sleeps at least 15 hours a day.
What about you? *Do* you have a pet?
Boy : Yes, I *do*. I have a very cute dog. His name *is* Max. He’s 4 years old now.
It is my job to take Max for a walk every day.
He loves to play fetch. It’s his favorite game.
He *knows* how to sit, stand or beg.
He enjoys being petted.
He *like* treats like a bone, biscuits or special stuff.
He wags his tail when he’s happy.
Girl : Your dog is really smart and friendly. Where ____he sleep?
Boy : He _______ in my bedroom. He has his own bed.

Kurang dikit, anyone help me?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


She is so loving and sweet

Daisy is content and happy each time i stroke her

Where does he sleep

He sleeps in my bedroom

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Last Update: Mon, 14 Jun 21