Nuts are seeds. When we eat nuts, we get energy

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Nuts are seeds. When we eat nuts, we get energy from them. Debbie wanted to find out if cashew nuts contain more energy than pecan nuts.•Debbie measured 20cm of water into a test tube.
•She measured the temperature of the water.
•She speared a cashew nut on a long needle, and then held it in a flame until it began to burn.
•She held the nut under the water until the nut had completely burnt.
•Then she measured the new temperature of the water.
1. Debbie repeated her experiment using a pecan nut. State three things that Debbie should keep the same when she repeated her experiment.
2.Explain how Debbie could use her results to decide whether a cashew nut or a pecan nut contains more energy. PLS to answer ​​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



1. - She need to held the nut under the water until the nut had completely burnt

- use measuring cylinder to measure 20cm³ of water

- write down the same note as cashew nut

Sorry if I wrong

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Last Update: Mon, 07 Feb 22