Quiz (623/630)Language :Translete To English============BA = Jenius/Moderator/BB/BD/BE/BPCan't BA = Pemula-SihebatNonsense

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari HasbiKinanUmari pada mata pelajaran Bahasa lain untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Quiz (623/630)Language :

Translete To English


BA = Jenius/Moderator/BB/BD/BE/BP
Can't BA = Pemula-Sihebat
Nonsense = Report​

Note: Fast​
Quiz (623/630)Language :Translete To English============BA = Jenius/Moderator/BB/BD/BE/BPCan't BA = Pemula-SihebatNonsense = Report​Note: Fast​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

The meaning of "Ég hef það gott" is I'm Fine.


To express ownership in Icelandic we can use "hef" for subjects I, you, they, and we. For the subjects she, he, and it we can use "hefur". For example:

Ég hef það gott

(I have it good)

  • Ég is the subject who mean "I"
  • hef is the word who mean "Have"
  • það is the word who mean "it".
  • gott is the word who mean "good".

Or easy meaning is I'm Fine.

It's different with the subject "She/He/It":

Hún hefur það gott

(She has it good).

  • Hún is the subject who mean "She"
  • hefur is the word who mean "Has"
  • það is the word who mean "it".
  • gott is the word who mean "good".

Or easy meaning is She is Fine.


  • Class: 7
  • Subject : Icelandic
  • Chapter: ownership sentence
  • Code: 7.16
  • Keywords: hef, hefur, Ég hef það gott

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Last Update: Thu, 07 Apr 22