16. What does Alice do? a. She is a manager

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16. What does Alice do?a. She is a manager
b. She is a marketer
c. She is a boss
d. She is a traveler

17. From the text above we know that
a. Alice give a good news to Sharon
b. Alice had a bad news for her friend
c. Alice is unemployment
d. Alice has to sit in her office

18. What does Alice usually do on Monday?
a. Meet the boss for a meeting
b. Buy many product from the customers
c. Visit the same place in New York
d. Drive to California every month​

tolong bantu jawab jangan ambil poin doang ya!!
16. What does Alice do? a. She is a manager b. She is a marketer c. She is a boss d. She is a traveler 17. From the text above we know that a. Alice give a good news to Sharon b. Alice had a bad news for her friend c. Alice is unemployment d. Alice has to sit in her office 18. What does Alice usually do on Monday? a. Meet the boss for a meeting b. Buy many product from the customers c. Visit the same place in New York d. Drive to California every month​tolong bantu jawab jangan ambil poin doang ya!!

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


16. B

17. A

18. A


Semoga membantu

maaf kalo salah

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Last Update: Thu, 19 May 22