My Favorite Room My favorite room in the whole world

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My Favorite Room My favorite room in the whole world is my own bedroom in my parents' house. It has everything that I want in this life: a comfortable bed that faces a wide window on the east side of the room. So, when I wake up in the morning and swipe the window curtain, the light of sunrise enters the room little by little, creates a beautiful silhouette and warms the whole room. On the right corner of room near the window, there's a study desk that was once my father's. Next to that desk, there's a white wardrobe where I put all of my clothes. Р In front of the wardrobe, at the other side of the room, there's a yellow bookshelf where I put half of my book collection. I choose the color yellow so it matches the color of my bedroom wall. Next to the bookshelf, t h I have a dressing table. And next to that dressing table is where I put my guitar. It's a fifteen-year-old guitar but it still sounds great and I love it so much.tolong artikan​

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Kamar Favorit Saya Kamar favorit saya di seluruh dunia adalah kamar tidur saya sendiri di rumah orang tua saya. Ini memiliki semua yang saya inginkan dalam hidup ini: tempat tidur nyaman yang menghadap ke jendela lebar di sisi timur

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Last Update: Sun, 10 Jul 22