Membuat soal Bahasa lnggris Kelas 8 pilihan ganda dan kunci

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Membuat soal Bahasa lnggris Kelas 8 pilihan ganda dan kunci jawaban​

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Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. we can find a coution above in

a. Park

b. Classroom

c. Hospital

d. Train station

2. “Many visitors from my country and from other countries come here to see the temples.....”

The underlined word refer to.....

a. The relief

b. Prambanan Temple

c. The visitors

d. Borobudur Temple

3. The visitors come to Prambanan to do some activities, except.....

a. Taking some pictures

b. Learning the history

c. Measuring the temples

d. Seeing the temples

Read the text!

Fajar, don’t forget to come to my house at 4 p.m.

We need to finish our school project.

Be on time! Thanks, Zarra.

4. Which one is NOT TRUE based on the message?

a. Zarra expects fajar to come to her house

b. Zarra and Fajar will finish their school project

c. Fajar will come to Zarra’s house at 4 p.m.

d. Zarra expects Fajar to come late to her house

The text below is for questions number 5-8

Vira went to Jakarta a week ago.

The first place she visitied was Monas.

She went to the top of Monas by lift.

She enjoyed the view of Jakarta City from there.

Then, she took a busway to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. There, she visited the museum of science and technology. She also rode a cable car.After that, she went to Ancol.She saw people riding jet-sky.

In the evening, she went to her aunt’s house in Jakarta. She felt tired but happy.

5. When did Vira go to Jakarta?

a. Next week

b. Two weeks ago

c. A week ago

d. Last month

6. How did Vira get to the top of Monas?

a. by car

b. by busway

c. by ladder

d. by lift

7. After visiting museum of science and technology, what did Vira do?

a.She went to her aunt’s house

b.She rode a cable car

c.She went to Ancol

d. She saw people riding jet-sky

8. How did she feel when she came to her aunt’s house?

a. Sleepy

b. Tired

c. Terrified

d. Sad

9. Lenti : Fifi, you look pale. Are you sick?

Fifi : Yes, I am. I got a fever.

Lenti : …………………………… Let’s go to the see the doctor.

a. That’s terrible.

b. You must feel sick.

c. I’m sorry to hear that.

d. I don’t like it.

10. Naiman: My son often feels pain on his tooth.

Wiwi : He must ……………………

a. brush her teeth regularly

c. lift something heavy

b. eat much candy

d. take a nap in the afternoon


1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. C

6. D

7. B

8. B

9. C

10. B

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Last Update: Mon, 16 May 22